Top 20 Hacks That Can Increase Female Libido and Improve Love Life

Women are prone to suffer with frigidity. In place of using commercial creams or tablets natural ways work in far better manner and provide long lasting results. Here is list of top 20 hacks that can increase female libido naturally and allow woman to enjoy lovemaking to the fullest.

- Spinach allows blood to flow smoothly up to extremities. This green veggie works like Viagra for males and form females. Women having higher blood flow in their intimate zones are able to achieve arousal and climaxes easily. Intense arousals and climaxes cure frigidity and ignite for romance. Include spinach in regular diet for better health and to improve love life.


- Dark chocolate promotes secretion of serotonin and dopamine in brain both of these are mood elevators. These lower stress level and allow women to get in mood quickly. Another benefit of dark chocolate is its ability to improve flow of blood in right regions. Limited amount of dark chocolate before bedtime manage stress level and boost-up sex drive.

- Red pepper stimulates blood flow and also keeps digestive system clean. These relieve pain particularly in joints and promote recovery from exhaustion faster. Although these may not be classified as aphrodisiac foods but good choices to treat low libido.

- Catechins in green tea make this drink a top choice to increase sex drive. This is excellent drink to metabolize fat and improve fitness and energy. It counters stress and delay signs of ageing by fighting free-radicals. Few cups of green tea with honey works as very effective hacks to gain higher libido.

- Oysters are riches source of zinc. This mineral is beneficial for men and women both as it relaxes blood vessels and enhances blood flow. Women consuming oysters gain quick arousals and achieve highly pleasurable climaxes to treat frigidity. It is nutritious food that manages stress level efficiently.

- Ginger is metabolism enhancer, purgatory and improves bile secretion. It is also excellent aid to gain higher libido and treat low libido problem naturally. Ginger in raw form, as spice or in tea form works very well to cure frigidity in women.


- Pumpkin seeds supplement tryptophan that increases serotonin in brain. This feel good hormone that elevates mood and sexual drive in men and women. Pumpkin seeds can be good as snacks or you can drink 1-2 cups of pumpkin seeds tea to increase sex drive naturally.

- Bananas are nutritious, digestive and loaded with minerals that counter stress, exhaustion and improve energy. Bananas are good for mental health as well and suppress mood swings, anxiety etc. by maintaining energy and mineral supplementation. Manage stress level to increase drive for romance by eating bananas regularly.

- Get sufficient dose of potassium and healthy blood circulation by eating any variety of potatoes in regular diet and treat low libido.

- Boost arousals by drinking couple of cups of black coffee. It also relaxes nerves and counters stress to improve intensity in bed.

- A glass of red wine increases nitric oxide level in body and dilates blood vessels. One of the top 20 hacks that can increase female libido instantly.

- Garlic is beneficial for health in many ways. Use garlic in regular diet for healthy blood flow and higher immunity and to boost arousal in bed.

- Nuts like almonds and pistachios work well to give necessary zing in bed for fun-filled acts at night. These are nutritious and manage stress to improve libido.

- Oats are anti-cholesterol and improve health of blood pathways. These are best grains to eat in breakfast for sound health, higher energy and to improve love life.

- Flaxseeds are source of omega-3 fatty acids. These are one of the top 20 hacks that can increase female libido naturally.

- Avocado is fruit rich in healthy fats and minerals. This fruit works as libido enhancer for both men and women.


- Maintain physical activity. Lethargic or sedentary lifestyle restricts flow of blood in pelvic region. Higher physical activity improves love life and also health and vitality.

- Increased water intake will help you urinate and excrete harmful chemicals, salts and hormones from blood. Aim to drink 2-3 liters of water during the day to maintain energy and stay calm and relaxed mentally.

- Avoid smoking and other recreational things like drugs. Even OTC sleeping pills and pain-killers over a period of time deteriorate libido.

- Take sufficient sleep and rest. Stress due to sleep deprivation can shatter one’s libido in no time. Proper rest and sleep also maintain hormonal balance.

Best Female Arousal Supplements

Lady Fire capsules have been designed for women struggling with low libido problem.

These work naturally and along with natural drive for lovemaking improve health and vitality.

These treat problem related to menstrual cycle to keep a woman high on libido.

There are no side effects of this supplement.

Women prone to suffer with low libido due to health problems, poor health, stress or other reasons can use this as preventive remedy.

These are suitable for women of all ages and need no medical prescription.
