Top 10 Hacks to Prevent & Treat White Vaginal Discharge and Infections

White vaginal discharge normally occurs when there is unwanted intrusion in vagina.

This intrusion can be of microbes, allergens or other agents like traces of detergents, soaps etc.

By secreting excess mucous body tries to clear harmful agent and keep passage clean.

Problem becomes serious when discharge does not subside and its volume increases.

If discharge continues for more than few days it can become smelly too which add to the agony.

You can treat white vaginal discharge without much trouble at home.


Here is list of top 10 hacks to prevent white vaginal discharge which not only control existing problem but also prevent it from occurring in future.

- Ladyfinger broth is one of the trusted remedy to treat white vaginal discharge naturally. Take about 200 grams of this veggie and cut it into small pieces. Boil with a liter of water and later allow the mixture to cool down. Strain and discard ladyfinger pieces, add honey to remaining water and drink. This can control the problem in 2-3 days.

- Fenugreek seeds can be used in various ways to stop white discharge. Add a tablespoon of fenugreek seeds to a glass of water and let them soak overnight. In the morning strain, add half teaspoon of honey and drink the water on an empty stomach regularly control leucorrhea. You can also boil two teaspoons of fenugreek seeds with a cup of water. Allow the mixture to become warm and strain, add some honey to water and drink as tea 2-3 times in a day. These are couple of top 10 hacks to prevent white vaginal discharge.


- Collect mango seeds and keep them to dry in sun. Later grind to form a powder and store it in an airtight glass container. Take sufficient amount of powder add some water to make a paste. Apply this paste inside and outside your vagina twice in a day to maintain hygiene and prevent leucorrhea.

- Yoghurt supplements good bacteria that keep harmful bacteria under control. Yoghurt works as internal as well as external remedy to treat genital infections and white discharge. Eat one bowl of yoghurt with regular diet to get good bacterial in guts that control bacterial infections in other parts of the body. You can apply yoghurt directly inside and outside vagina with the help of a cotton ball or tampon. Leave it for 5-10 minutes and wash off with normal water. Repeat this few times during infection and later once in a day to maintain hygiene and prevent leucorrhea.

- Take a tablespoon of two of rice and wash with a liter of water. Put rice in a bowl containing water and stir the mixture with your hand washing rice thoroughly. Now strain and discard rice and use this water to douche your genital passage. You can make rice water in morning and use it to douche 2-3 times in the day during discharge. Once problem is gone use it 1-2 times in a week to prevent problem from occurring.

- Cumin seeds also provide one of the top 10 hacks to prevent white vaginal discharge. Take one or two tablespoons of cumin seeds, grind them well. Mix the ground seeds with a dash of honey. Apply the paste to your vaginal area to cure the infections and curb vaginal discharge.

- Eat one ripe banana after adding little clarified butter in the morning. This easiest and simplest hack to treat genital infection and excessive discharge from genital passage.

- Alum is strong anti-microbial and powerful agent to treat genital infections. Take half teaspoon of alum powder and mix with a glass of water. Use this mixture to douche your passage. Apply some clarified butter if you feel dryness after using alum. This also remove odor and cure leucorrhea for long term.


- ACV can be used to treat white vaginal discharge in few ways. Add 3 cups of ACV to your bath tub containing sufficient water to cover your groin and buttocks. Sit in the tub for 20 minutes and expose your groin region as much as possible. You can even douche entire groin area and vagina. Wash off with fresh water later. Or you can drink a glass of water after adding 2 teaspoons of ACV half an hour before meals to get stronger immune system to counter infections and allergies and cure leucorrhea.

- Douche your vag with mixture of baking soda and water till problem subsides. Baking soda curbs infections, allergies and maintain healthy PH balance to cure leucorrhea.

Best Natural Cure for White Discharge

Along with these remedies use Gynex capsules to eliminate infections and allergies and gain healthy and clean genital passage.

These pills maintain healthy PH balance and treat problems like dryness, itching, foul smell etc. naturally.

Gynex capsules handle causes of leucorrhea like use of IUD, medication, health problems and ageing as well efficiently and provide long-lasting relief.

These are suitable for women of any age and can be used without any medical prescription.
