5 Shocking Causes of Your Vagina Smelling Bad With 10 Healthy Tips
Foul smell from genital passage can be a turn off not only for your partner but to you as well.
It causes embarrassment and also affects your confidence and libido negatively.
Foul smell from genital passage is not without a reason.
It causes embarrassment and also affects your confidence and libido negatively.
Foul smell from genital passage is not without a reason.
Here is list of 5 shocking causes of your vagina smelling bad.
These causes need immediate attention to remove bad odor and prevent problem from aggravating.
- Bacterial infection or bacterial vaginosis is one of the most common causes of fish like smell emanating from genital passage. It is more common in women in fertile years. This infection is not an STD but it flares or occurs after intercourse. It raises fishy smell after intercourse and thin white vaginal discharge. It is one of the 5 shocking causes of your vagina smelling bad. It is quite common but shall be treated for proper vaginal care to prevent other genital infections and STDs.
- Trich or Trichomona vaginits is STD which is caused by parasitic transfusion from men to women or vice versa. It causes severe itching around genitals and foul smell. Women suffering with Trich may face painful urination and discharge during urination. It can remain asymptomatic in nearly 30% of cases which is why it is in the list of 5 shocking causes of your vagina smelling bad.
- PID pr pelvic inflammatory disease is one of the most serious causes of foul smelling genital passage. It happens when infections grows into uterus, bladder and reproductive organ. It can cause infertility and ectopic pregnancy as well. PID shall be treated immediately to remove bad odor and maintain health and fertility.
- Yeast infection or candidiasis is another common cause of foul smell in genital passage. This infection causes white, thick and clumpy discharge that raises fish-like pungent smell. It also causes pain during urination and sex and inflammation. Proper treatments with anti-fungal remedies prevent white discharge and suppress foul smell.
- If you are profuse sweater you may have regular foul smell from genital region. This place is never free of bacteria and dead skin cells and sweating produces repelling smell. Take proper steps to curb sweat presence in the region and keep genital region free of dead skin and bacteria as much as possible to gain relief.
Here are 10 healthy tips to maintain hygiene for proper vaginal care and stay free from infections and foul smell and discharge.
- Douche your genital region and passage with a mixture of water and tea tree oil. Add 3-4 drops of tea tree oil to a jug of water and wash thoroughly 2-3 times in a week to prevent white discharge and foul smell.
- Eat pineapple in regular diet it keeps infections away and maintain genital region healthy.
- Add ½ cup of baking soda to half bucket of water. Douche entire groin region and inside part of passage before shower. Do it regularly or 2-3 times in a week as needed to improve genital health.
- For handling infection or discharge take hydrogen peroxide 3% and add with equal amount of water. Dip a tampon and insert inside your vagina. Let it stay for 15 minutes and take it out and wash off. Repeat this everyday till you get desired results.
Friends! Watch this video till end to discover other healthy tips to stop bad odor.
- Boil few crushed betel leaves with water and allow mixture to become normal. Strain and dip a tampon in the water and insert in the vagina. Remove after 15 minutes and repeat regularly to improve genital health and clear foul smell and discharge.
- Take a sitz bath in bath tub with sufficient water and 2 cups of ACV. Expose your genital region and passage to water and sit for 20 minutes. Wash with normal water this is one of the 10 healthy tips to maintain hygiene and suppress smell and discharge.
- Crush few garlic cloves and add to a glass of water. Boil for 2-3 minutes and allow it to become normal. Strain and use this water to douche your passage to maintain area free of bacterial and yeast.
- You can insert a tampon in vagina soaked in yoghurt for 15 minutes and wash off later. Repeat this alternate day or regularly to get rid of smell and discharge.
- Wear cotton undergarments to prevent sweat deposition and keep groin region free from microbes.
- Avoid using scented tampons, toilet paper, deodorant and talcum powder etc.
Best Cure for Vaginal Odor
Along with these 10 healthy tips to maintain hygiene of your genital region use of Gynex capsules provides excellent results.
This is herbal preparation designed to resolve nagging problems related to woman’s genitalia naturally.
These pills do not need any medical prescription before use as these come with herbs as ingredients in purest form.
There are no artificial ingredients used in these supplements which make them safe for woman of any age and even after prolonged use.
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